1868, Mothe-Fenelon, About the Education of Girls, Th. Nikolaidis Filadelfeus, Ta peri Agogis Korasion


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Το περί Αγωγής Κορασίων  – To peri Agogis Korasion

Εξελληνισθέν υπό 

Θ. Νικολαΐδου Φιλαδελφέως


Francois de Salignac dela Mothe-Fenelon

About the Education of Girls 

Translated into Greek by 

Th. Nikolaidis Filadelfeus


Published in Athens in 1868

Original Paper Binding

8vo, 1 +β’ + Pages 76

First Edition

Only Copy for Sale Online!


François de Salignac de la Mothe-Fénelon, more commonly known as François Fénelon (1651 – 1715), was a French Catholic archbishop, theologian, poet and writer. Today, he is remembered mostly as the author of The Adventures of Telemachus, first published in 1699. He was a member of the Sulpician Fathers.