Κανονισμοί των ωρών εργασίας-αναπαύσεως
και των δευτερευουσών απολαυών του προσωπικού των Εν Ελλάδι Σιδηροδρόμων
Kanonismi ton oron ergasias – anapavseos
kai ton deuterevouson apolavon tou prosopikou
ton en Elladi Sidirodromon
Regulations of Working – Resting hours
and Secondary Earnings of the Staff of the Hellenic Railways
Published by Sidirodromikon in Athens in 1938
Original Paper Binding
48 Pages
First Edition
17,5cm x 12,5cm
Hellenic State Railways or SEK (Sidirodromi Ellinikou Kratous) was a Greek public sector entity (legal person of public law, Greek: N.P.D.D.) which was established in March 18 1920 by the law 2144/20 and operated most Greek railway lines until 1970.