1968, Agnostos Nomolos, Easter Rising 1967, 500 Copies, Richard Berengarten Burns


Richard Berengarten (Burns), born 4 June 1943, is an English poet. Having lived in Italy, Greece, the US and the former Yugoslavia, his perspectives as a poet combine English, French, Mediterranean, Jewish, Slavic, American and Oriental influences. His poems explore historical and political material, inner worlds and their archetypal resonances, and relationships and everyday life. His work is marked by its multicultural frames of reference, depth of themes, and variety of forms. In the 1970s, he founded and ran the international Cambridge Poetry Festival. He has been an important presence in contemporary poetry for the past 40 years, and his work has been translated into more than 90 languages

SKU: WH0028 Category:


Agnostos Nomolos (Richard Burns)

Easter Rising 1967


Published by Restif Press in 1968

Oblong 8vo


Bound in stiff plumb-colored wraps, stapled.

Number 174 of an edition limited to 500 copies.

A nine-part poem by Richard Berengarten (Burns) written under the the pen name Agnostos Nomolos

as a response to the far-right Greek junta of April 1967

First Edition

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