Rare, 1937, Giorgos Simiriotis (Trl.), French Anthology, Greek Book, Stephane Malarme, Maurice Maeterlinck, Paul Verlaine


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Γιώργος Σημηριώτης (Μεταφραστής)
Γαλλική Ανθολογία
1800 – 1930


Giorgos Simiriotis (Translator)
French Anthology
1800 – 1930

Published in Athens in 1937



First Edition

20 cm x 14 cm

352 Pages

Expensive Fine Leather Binding 

George Simiriotis (1879-1964) was a Greek poet and translator. He published several collections of poetry. However, he distinguished himself chiefly as a translator of poems from the French, in most of which he successfully reproduced not only the meaning, but also the style and rhythm of the originals. Most of his translations were published in the Anthology of French poets, while others were scattered in various periodicals.

Very rare!

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