1992, SIGNED, YIANNIS MORALIS, ART, 1/550 Copies, Kostas Tsiropoulos, Telika Kimena II


Kostas Tsiropoulos (1930-  2017) was a Greek writer and publisher.


Κώστας Ε. Τσιρόπουλος

Τελικά κείμενα Β΄:  Κανονισμός Βίου

Telika Kimena B’, Kanonismos Viou

Προμετωπίδα Γιάννης Μόραλης


Kostas E. Tsiropoulos

Final Texts II: Life Arrangement

Frontispiece of Yiannis Moralis


ONE OUT OF 550 Copies

The fronts-piece (lithograph) is also hand signed by Yiannis Moralis and numbered

Here: copy 58 out of 550 copies


The book is signed twice by the author and dedicated to the Greek artist Yiannis Karteris


Published by Megas Astrolavos in 1992 in Athens

Original Paper Binding

Pages 408


First Edition


Yiannis Moralis (Greek: Ιannis Moralis; also transliterated Yannis Moralis or Giannis Moralis; 23 April 1916 – 20 December 2009) was an important Greek visual artist and part of the so-called “Generation of the ’30s”. He is a person who carried weight in many fields and found himself to be equally au courant. Furthermore, he exhibited a strong sense of responsibility when it came to confronting modern day problems. His art is distinct for the esoteric nature of its forms and its capacity and ability to suggest space.