1856, King Otto of Greece to National Assembly, RR Document, Queen Amalia


Rare and Original Document!

SKU: DOC0025 Category:


Original Official Document of the Greek Parliament (BILL)

about the Regulation of the Ecclesiastical and Educational Department


Προς την Βουλήν 

Κύριοι Την υπηρεσίαν του υπουργείου των εκκλησιαστικών υποθέσεων

και την δημοσίας εκπαιδεύσεως απαρτίζουν ως γνωστόν τα εξής τμήματα, ….

The Minister of Public Education


To the Parliament

Gentlemen The service of the ministry of ecclesiastical affairs

and public education consists, as is well known, of the following departments, ….

Minister of Education C. Christopoulos

King Otto by God, King of Greece

in the Name of the King … Queen Amalia

In Athens on September 13, 1856


1 Page, 29,5 cm x 20,5 cm.


100% Authentic and Genuine Document from 1856!

King Otto (Greek: Όθων,  German: Otto Friedrich Ludwig von Wittelsbach; 1815 – 1867) was a Bavarian prince who ruled as King of Greece from the establishment of the Kingdom of Greece on 6 Feb 1832, under the Convention of London, until he was deposed on October 1862.
Charalampos Christopoulos (Greek: Χαράλαμπος Χριστόπουλος; 1809 – 1871) was a Greek 19th-century politician, MP and six times minister during the 1855–1870 period.

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