1917, WW1, Philippe Petain, Grand Quartier General Des Armes, Instruction sur L’Organisation du Terrain a l’usage des Troupes de Toutes Armes


Rare French Military Manual of WW1

Henri Philippe Benoni Omer Pétain (1856 – 1951), commonly known as Philippe Pétain or Marshal Pétain, was a general who commanded the French Army in World War I and became the head of the collaborationist regime of Vichy France, from 1940 to 1944, during World War II.

The instruction on the Organization of the Field for the use of Troops of All Arms of August 22, 1917 (GQG, 1917b), proposes to stagger the organizations in depth, with more positions, called intermediate and shoulder positions, a way to prevent the enemy from exploiting local breakthroughs of the front.

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Philippe Petain

Grand Quartier General Des Armes

Du Nord et du Nord-Est


Instruction sur L’Organisation du Terrain a l’usage des Troupes de Toutes Armes

Instruction on the Organisation of the Field for the Use of Troops of All Arms

Premier Partie

Published by Paris Imprimerie National 1917

First Edition

Original Paper Binding

Pages 78 + 2 Multi Folded Maps

19,5cm x 11cm (approx. 7,7inch. x 4,4inch.)


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