Ανδρέας Σπ. Σκανδάμης
Πρίγκιψ Γεώργιος
Η Ζωή και το Έργο του
Ιδιωτική έκδοση, Αθήναι 1955
σελ. 434+1χ.α.+1λ+εικόνες
Πολυάριθμες εικόνες εκτός κειμένου του Πρίγκιπα Γεωργίου κυρίως, αλλά και άλλων μελών της βασιλικής οικογένειας
17,5 εκ. χ 25 εκ.
Andreas Sp. Skandamis
Prince George
His Life and Work
Private edition, Athens 1955
pp. 434+1x.a.+1l+images
Numerous non-text images of Prince George mainly, but also of other members of the royal family
17.5 cm x 25 cm
Original Paper Binding
First Edition
Prince George of Greece and Denmark (1869 – 1957) was the second son and child of George I of Greece and Olga Konstantinovna of Russia, and is remembered chiefly for having once saved the life of his cousin the future Emperor of Russia, Nicholas II in 1891 during their visit to Japan together. He served as high commissioner of the Cretan State during its transition towards independence from Ottoman rule and union with Greece.