Rare, Signed, 1953, Alekos Spanopoulos, Golgothas, Drawings Kostas Plakotaris, 1/300, Greek Art, Poetry






Alekos Spanopoulos



Cover and illustrations by Kostas Plakotaris


Signed and dedicated by the poet


Printed by Sp. Fotiadis in 1953 in 300 Copies

First Edition

17 cm x 24 cm

Pages 21

Original Paper Binding


Kostas Plakotaris (1902 – 1969) took his first painting lessons at the Robert College in Constantinople, near K. I. Kotis. In 1922 he left to study in Germany and enrolled in the painting and engraving workshops of the Reimann Kunstschule in Berlin under Moritz Melzer. In Berlin, Kostas Plakotaris also studied political and economic sciences. He then settled in Athens in 1925, after spending ten months in Paris in 1924. He taught technology at the Anargyrio School of Spetses (1930-1935), was a professor of handicrafts at the Athens College (1937-1940, 1950-1959) and materials technology at ATI [Athenian Technological Institute (1959-1961)]. Plakotaris held individual exhibitions that aroused the interest of technocriticism and participated in group exhibitions. Among them notworthy are his first solo exhibition in “Rombus” in 1948, his exhibitions in “Libra” (1959, 1961) and “Nees Morfes” (1966, 1968), the exhibition with which he was honored after his death by the National Gallery (1978), his participation in the Venice Biennale the 1936, his presence in the exhibitions of the “Free Artists” group (1937, 1939, 1940), as well as in the Panhellenic exhibitions of the years 1938, 1939, 1940, 1952, 1957, 1960, 1963, 1967, but also in a series years, at the Salon International de l’Art Libre of Paris (where in fact, in 1967, he won the Silver Medal).