Ντίνος Χριστιανόπουλος
Οι Προγραμματισμένοι στο Χαμό – I Programmatismenoi sto Chamo
Ποιήματα Θεσσαλονικέων Ποιητών για την Καταστροφή των Εβραίων της Θεσ/νίκης
Dinos Christianopoulos
Thοse Programmed to Death
Poems of Salonican Poets on the Holocaust of the Greek Jews of Thessaloniki
Published by Diagonios in Thessaloniki in 1990 in 1000 Copies
Original Paper Binding
Uncut Copy
First Edition
During World War II, Greece was occupied by Nazi Germany and its allies. In 1941, the Axis Powers started systematically persecuting the Salonican Jews. In 1943, the Salonican Jews were forced into a ghetto near the rail lines, and deportations began to the concentration camps and labor camps. The majority of the 60,000 deported died. This resulted in the near-extermination of the community. Only 1,200 Jews live in the city today.