1924, Eduard Chapuisat, Frederic Boissonnas, La Restauration Hellenique, First Edition, Jean Gabriel Eynard


François-Frédéric Boissonnas (1858 – 1946), known as Fred Boissonnas, was a Swiss photographer from Geneva. His work is considered crucial for the development of photography in Greece, and its use in favourably publicising the country’s expansionist ambitions, during the early 20th century. Boissonnas constitutes a central figure in the transition from 19th century approaches to a more contemporary photography of antiquities.

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Edouard Chapuisat

La Restauration Hellenique

D’Apres La Correspondance de Jean Gabriel Eynard

Illustrations de Frederic Boissonnas


Edouard Chapuisat

The Hellenic Restoration

According to the Correspondence of Jean Gabriel Eynard

Illustrations by Frederic Boissonnas

Published by Jean Budey & Co , Paris in 1924

First Edition

Pages 251

19,4cm x 14,5cm


Jean-Gabriel Eynard  (1775 – 1863) was a Swiss banker and significant benefactor of the Greek independence movement.(1775 –  1863) was a Swiss banker and significant benefactor of the Greek independence movement.

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