του εφόρου του Βουλευτηρίου
περί της βιβλιοθήκης της Βουλής των Ελλήνων
Εν Αθήναις, την 17 Οκτωβρίου 1878
Ο Έφορος του Βουλευτηρίου ΤΙΜΟΛΕΩΝ ΦΙΛΙΜΩΝ Βουλευτής Αττικής
The Prefect of the Parliament
and Member of Parliament of Attica
Report of the Parliamentary Commissioner
on the Library of the Hellenic Parliament
Athens, October 17, 1878
Without any binding as issued
Pages 44
21cm x 15cm
First Edition
Only Copy for Sales Online!
Timoleon Filimon (1833 – 1898) was a Greek journalist, politician, intellectual and tutor of King George I. He was one of the founding members of the Historical and Ethnological Society of Greece.
The Copy Right Sign is just on the photo and not on the Book!