1683, Amsterdam Printing, ΑΡΡΙΑΝΟΥ ΤΕΧΝΗ ΤΑΚΤΙΚΗ, ARRIAN ARS TACTICA, Nicolai Blancardi, Johannes Janssonius van Waesberghe


Johannes Janssonius van Waesberghe (Rotterdam, 1616 – Amsterdam, 1681) was a Dutch printer, publisher and bookseller, active in Utrecht, Breda, Amsterdam and Gdańsk.



Τέχνη Τακτική, Εκταξις Κατ Αλανων, Περίπλους Πόντου Ευξεινου, Της Ερυθράς Θαλάσσης, Κυνηγετικός, Επικτητου Εγχειρίδιον, Του Αυτου Αποφθέγματα Και Αποσπάσματα


Techni Taktiki, Ektaxis Kat Alanon, Periplous Pontou Evxinou, Periplous Tis Erythras Thalassis, Kinigetikos, Epiktitou Enchiridion, Tou Avtou apofthegmata Ke Apospasmata


Ars Tactica, Acies contra Alanos, Periplous Ponti Euxini, Periplus Maris Erytraei, Liber de Venatione, Epicteti Enchiridion e jusdem Apophtegmata et Fragmenta

cum Interpretibus Latinis, & Notis

ex Recensione & Museo Nicolai Blancardi

Amstelodami, Janssonio-Waespergios,  (Johannes Janssonius van Waesberghe) 1683

Octavo, pp. (14)+450+(4)

19 cm  x 12 cm

Contemporary full vellum binding with manuscript title on the spine, sprinkled edges

With a beautiful engraved frontispiece (slightly trimmed), and woodcut initials, head- and tail-pieces

Contains several copper-engraved plates of military tactics, as well as three large folded copper-engraved plates (one of a military subject, and two maps)

One of the maps is loose at the end of the book

Text in Latin and Greek

Text in Latin and Greek


Arrian of Nicomedia (Greek: Αρριανός Arrianos; Latin: Lucius Flavius Arrianus; c. 86/89 – c. after 146/160 AD) was a Greek historian, public servant, military commander, and philosopher of the Roman period.

His Periplus of the Euxine Sea is a guidebook detailing the destinations visitors encounter when traveling about the shore of the Black Sea. Ektaxis kat Alanon, refers to the nature and discipline of the Roman army against the Alans and contains very important information about the way of living and the  of Roman soldiers in the provinces (written in 137, when Arrian was still commander in Cappadocia) and in Ars Tactica Arrian’s considerable experience in war tactics and strategy is revealed (mainly contains Arrian’s knowledge of the military methods followed by the Romans and Greeks). He was a pupil of Epictetus around 108 AD and the Encheiridion is a short compendium or handbook of all Epictetus’ philosophical principles.


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