Andre Gide
De l’importance du public
Published by Petite collection de l’Ermitage, Paris, 1903
In-8 square. 23 pp.
Good condition.
Original Paper Binding
Rare ORIGINAL EDITION printed in 100 copies on Hollande van Gelder laid paper.
Including his Business Card from Algier!
André Paul Guillaume Gide (1869 – 1951) was a French author whose writings spanned a wide variety of styles and topics. He was awarded the 1947 Nobel Prize in Literature. Gide’s career ranged from his beginnings in the symbolist movement, to criticising imperialism between the two World Wars. The author of more than fifty books, he was described in his obituary in The New York Times as France’s greatest contemporary man of letters and judged the greatest French writer of this century by the literary cognoscenti.