2000, SIGNED, Irini Kana, Alexandros K. Melengoglou, 1/100 Copies, Original Engraving, First Edition, Arravones sto Spiti tou Andrea Rentzou


One out of 100 Signed and  Numbered Copies .


Αλέξανδρος Κ. Μελέγκογλου

Αρραβώνες στο σπίτι του Ανδρέα Ρέντζου – Arravones sto Spiti tou Andrea Rentzou

Προμετωπίδα Ειρήνης Κανά 


Alexander K. Melengoglou

Engagements at the House of Andreas Rentzos

Frontispiece by Greek Artist Irene Kana


Εριφύλη, Αθήνα 2000

Τυπώθηκαν 100 Αντίτυπα αριθμημένα από το 1 εώς το 100 σε χαρτί VELIN D’arches με ένα υπογεγραμμένο έργο της Ειρήνης Κανά. Εδώ ο αριθμός 31.

Published by Erifyli in Athens in 2000100 Copies numbered from 1 to 100 were printed on VELIN D’arches paper with a signed work by Irene Kana.

Here: Number 31.

Original Soft Binding in Near Fine Condition.

Pages 16

29cm x 20cm (approx.11,5 inch. x 8 inch.)

First Edition


Irini Kana was born in Chania. She studied painting at the Academy of Fine Arts with teacher Panagiotis Tetsis, from where she graduated with honors in 1990. She also studied scenography with V. Vassileiadis.


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